How to make the best website for your business
Whether you are a freelancer, a physical store owner or you own any type of business, you may want to know how to make the best website for your business.
As masters in web technologies, we know what it takes to build great and appealing business sites.
If you want to build a startup website, personal blog, or any kind of business website, here are key fundamental steps that will help you get started and compete effectively in the online market.

Fundamental Steps of How to build the best website for your business
1. Get a Good Domain Name
Your domain name is probably the most important idea for your business site as it will give your users an impression of what the business is about. It is your site’s identity and it must be as efficient as possible.
Qualities of a Good Domain Name
- Keep it short and precise. Your domain name should not only be as short as possible but also descriptive. This makes it easier for users to remember and also get an impression of what your business is about.
- Make it very easy to spell. Avoid using hard terms in your domain. Use words that your users can easily spell.
- Avoid punctuation marks and numbers. Try as much as possible to avoid any form punctauation marks in your Domain Name. For example full tops(.), commas(,), hyphens(-), apostrophes(‘), underscores(_) and so on. These are often hard for users to remember when trying to find your business site on the web. Besides that, they are unecessary for anything on your site.
- Get an SEO -friendly Doamain. Ask yourself whether you are findable. Your domain name must make it easier for Search Engines like Google to easily understand what your site is about so that you increase your chances of being listed in the SERP(Search Engine Results Page)
- Research the Domain Name. Before you gladly make a conclusion on your domain name, search it and see if their exists a business website with that domain or not. Furthermore, ensure it does not contain any registered trademarks.
- Choose the right domain extension. There will always be a debate on which domain extension to use. For example should it a .com, .ug,.org, .co and so on. Your choice of a domain extension will also depend on the type of business and purpose of your site for example a .com is intended for commercial businesses. and .ug is for businesses that want to be more specific with their location in Uganda. Find out which domain extension best suites you business here.
2. Get a fast and secure web hosting service with good technical support
A website host or hosting service provider is a company that enables businesses and individuals to make their websites available through the World Wide Web. You need a hosting provider to have your website’s connectivity to the Internet. Find out more about hosting here
3. Create your content
It’s is very crucial that you plan your site’s content. Remember your website is the link between you and your clients. Creating original content is very important.
Try as much as possible to avoid being a copycat. Present your content in a way that best describes your business, goods or services that you offer.
Take as much time as possible to plan your website’s content. Well written content will increase traffic on your site.
4. Use the best Content Management System
A content management system (CMS) is a software application or a set of tools and capabilities, that allows you to create and manage digital content.
A good CMS will enable you to maintain your business site without a lot of technical expertise. Your choice of CMS will definitely depend on your business goals and needs.
We recommend using WordPress as it is the world’s most popular and flexible CMS use. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to use WordPress because it has loads of learning materials to help you level up.
WordPress has a large support community that you can rely on. It’s is also ok to find a WordPress agency if you really cannot do it yourself. That is why we are here to help you.
5. Design a User-friendly interface
There is no doubt that an interactive website will keep visitors and convert them to clients.
A User-friendly website leads to a good user experience which makes the users stay longer on the site and keep coming back.
How to make your website more visually appealing
Typography. This includes the site colours, font styles, font size. Your choice of colours will give users an impression of what your business is about. For example, if you’re selling farm products you may consider using green or a shed of green as your main colour.
Ensure to use a maximum of 3 colours on your website because different colours communicate different things and you do not want to confuse your clients about your brand.
Graphics. Ensure to use extremely good graphics on your websites. Your graphics should be of high quality and do visual communication to your audience.
Photography. Use good quality images but keep in mind that too many images slow the site therefore keep this as minimal as possible. You need your own professional pictures for your website. Here are a few sites to get free images to help you get started.
6. Plan your Site Structure
Site structure refers to how you organize your website’s content. A website often consists of content on a variety of related topics, presented on posts and pages, categories and tags.
Your website will need some internal links so your navigation is important to structure your site. Your header/ top part of your website should contain the top-level pages or the main pages on your website.
A list of what pages to consider including in your header are:
- Home
- About us
- Products/Services
- Blog
- Contact us
7. Design a Mobile Responsive website
The number of mobile users is growing at a faster rate than you think. It’s important that your website is optimized for mobile users as well.
This is a key principle that governs our development at Media Uganda. Ensure that your site easily adjusts all types of devices i.e. desktop computers, laptops and most importantly on mobile devices like tablets, phones etc without being distorted.
8. Optimize your business for Search Engines.
Are you aware that it is possible for your site not to show up in the search results however beautiful it may look? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) simply means improving sites to make them appear in search results.
Optimize your site to ensure that it appears in the search results that Google returns to users.
SEO best practices include:
- Keyword Research
- Internal links- links from one part of your site to another part of yor site
- External links(links that other websites with cntent related to your site’s content)
- Good socia media strategy- link all your social media platforms(Facebook, Linkedi, Twitter, Instagram) and so on to your website.
SEO is important in such a way that your page showing up first n the SERP can easily lead to high traffic on your site.
What’s Next?
Creating your business website may not be as “simple” as you thought but following these steps closely will make your business will surely stand out. That is why we are here. Reach out to us to help you get that Website you have always wanted.